Greet the sunrise on the longest day of sunlight with an outdoor 5 senses sundial shaped meditation followed by a refreshing tea ceremony.
Greet the sunrise on the longest day of sunlight with an outdoor 5 senses sundial shaped meditation followed by a refreshing tea ceremony.
We are excited to have you experience wellness through oneness in the high Sonoran desert. Please note that CIVANA Carefree is open for travel beginning March 6, 2018. If you are interested in staying at the resort while we are under construction please click here.
Our interim spa Evolution is open for world class services beginning
March 20, 2018.
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Thank you for taking the time to apply for CIVANA’s Ambassador program. We are thrilled to receive your support in the promotion of our growing brand. Due to the high volume of applicants received, we are unable to respond to every applicant. We will respond to those selected for further consideration within 7 days of application. Be well.
Thank you for taking the time to apply for CIVANA’s Influencer program. We are thrilled to receive your support in the promotion of our growing brand. Due to the high volume of applicants received, we are unable to respond to every applicant. We will respond to those selected for further consideration within 7 days of application. Be well.
Thank you for taking the time to apply for CIVANA’s Visiting Wellness Guide program. We are thrilled to receive your application for a teaching residency with us. Due to the high volume of applicants received, we are unable to respond to every applicant. We will respond to those selected for further consideration within 7 days of application. Be well.
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