HIIT Circuit Workout

55 Minutes

Maximize your fitness results while only committing a short window of time with this High Intensity Interval Workout.



Light Cardio for 5-10 minutes.

Treadmill & Rower Workout

(Using rate of perceived exertion (RPE) scale of 1-10, complete exercise below & Repeat for 30 min)

1. Run .75 Miles, RPE 4-7
2. Row 250 Meters
3. Run .5 Miles, RPE 4-7
4. Row 500 Meters
5. Run .25 Miles, RPE 4-7
6. Row 750 Meters

Strength Workout

(Complete 12 reps of each of the below and repeat 3 times)
1. Upright Rows
2. Squats
3. Shoulder Press
4. Deadlift
5. Alternating Lunges

Core Workout

(Complete each of the below for 1 min)
1. Mountain Climbers
2. Bicycle Crunch
3. Leg Drops
4. Forearm Plank Hold

Cool Down & Stretch

5 Minutes


This workout was designed by the CIVANA Wellness Guides.

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