Manifest with the Moon


Humans have been living by lunar cycles for centuries. Moon rituals and sacred practices have been documented in countless cultures across Babylonia, Egypt, India, Native American Tribes, and more. The moon’s gravitational pull is the main cause of the rise and fall of ocean tides. With more than 50% of the human body being composed of water, the more attuned we are to how moon phases affect us, the better we can harness the various energies.

Phases & Stages

In total, there are eight phases of the lunar cycle which all have their own invitations and opportunities. Herein we will focus on the initiation and peak of a cycle.

The New Moon: Fresh Start / New Beginnings / Turn Inward

This marks the first lunar phase and symbolizes new beginnings. A new moon occurs once a month and is seen (or unseen) when the moon is directly between the Earth and the Sun. People use the energy of the new moon to help achieve their goals or start on a new project. It’s a period for renewal, growth and setting your intentions.

The Full Moon: Illuminate / Let Go / Find Balance

The full moon is a precise moment in time when the entire face of the moon is illuminated by the sun’s rays. Since the moon has no light of its own, when we see it glow, it’s actually the sun’s ray bouncing off of the lunar surface. Four to six times a year, the new and full moons will eclipse, a time when the moon appears to cover the Sun. The energy levels in this moon phase intensify agents of change and growth. A Super Moon happens when the full moon coincides with the moon’s closest approach to Earth in its orbit. You’ll notice these full moons are slightly larger and brighter than other months.

Full Moons By Season

The nicknames for each full moon stem from how humans related to the seasons in order to survive. Depending on the time of year, the moon gave clues on when to plant, harvest, or to hunt, what weather patterns to look out for, or how animals and plants might behave.

Wolf Moon (January):

Also referred to as Ice or Old Moon. The coldest month of the year brings out the howling of hungry wolves. Speak your intentions aloud.

Snow Moon (February):

Also referred to as Hunger or Storm Moon. The snowiest moon. Hibernate, take this time for internal renewal.

Worm Moon (March):

The ground begins to thaw and soften, blossoms start to bud and animals resurface from their warm winter slumber. Consider what you wish to plant and cultivate in the garden of your life.

Pink Moon (April):

Despite the name, this moon rarely appears to be pink in color. Instead, Native American’s named this moon after an early blooming wildflower. The 2020 Pink Full Moon, will be the largest supermoon of the year bringing with it a powerful potential for an energetic shift with the help of Libra’s perpetual quest for balance. This is a time to embrace the power of we.

Flower Moon (May):

Also referred to as Hare, Corn, Mother’s, or Milk Moon. Named for the vibrant abundance that comes with a May bloom. Live your life in full color – embrace your growth and development.

Strawberry Moon (June):

Also referred to as Rose or Hot Moon. Enjoy the sweetest of summer and the fruit it bears. Be present, recount what you are grateful for.

Buck Moon (July):

Also referred to as Thunder and Hay Moon. Male deer, referred to as a Buck, shed their antlers every year. During July, those antlers begin to regrow. Harness the energy of progression and strength to keep pushing ahead.

Sturgeon Moon (August):

Also referred to as Red, Grain, and Green Corn Moon. Native tribes are said to have named this moon after a species of fish that was abundant during this month. Examine your life to see where you can invite more flow and ease.

Harvest Moon (September):

Also referred to as Corn and Barley Moon. Simple as it sounds, this is a time to gather your crops. Take stock of your emotional and physical health. Determine for yourself if there are things you need to release.

Hunter’s Moon (October):

Also referred to as Blood Moon. This period is particularly bright and the nights feel long. It is the perfect time to stock up in preparation for the cold winter. Make a plan and appreciate those around you who help to light your path.

Beaver Moon (November):

Also referred to as Frost Moon. As the cold descends, humans seek out warmth and animals are busy preparing to survive. It’s time to get grounded. Take stock of what you have and make sure it’s what you truly want.

Cold Moon (December):

Also referred to as the Long Night and Oak Moon. As the final moon of the year, the cold moon is a time to rest, reset, and practice self-care as you acknowledge where you have been over the past 12 months.

CIVANA Wellness Resort Moon Phases

8 Moon Phases & Actions to Take

Upon arrival to your personal sanctuary at CIVANA, guests will find a welcome note that highlights the moon phases that will take place during their visit. These insights help to shape intentions for the journey before them. The lunar cycle repeats itself every month, giving us the opportunity to align with our natural setting and recognize the energetic forces around us.


It’s time for a clean slate, start to gather your thoughts and plan.

Waxing Crescent: SET INTENTIONS.

Set your hopes and desires into the world.


When you face obstacles, do not waver. Continue to push forward.

Waxing Gibbous: BE OPEN TO CHANGE.

Evaluate what needs to shift.

Full Moon: HARVEST.

Take this time to restabilize and be open to receiving.

Waning Gibbous: INTROSPECT.

Turn inwards, think about your goals and be grateful.

Third Quarter: LET GO.

Let go of habits that bind you and do you harm.

Waning Crescent: SURRENDER.

Recuperate and rest. Do not try to control the world around you.

Explore How To Create Your Own At Home Moon Ceremony

Filed under Personal Growth & Discovery